Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Sigur Ros

I love Sigur Ros, they are the soundtrack to many special moments in my life, so when Sexson mentioned them in class the other day my heart fluttered a bit. Last year Sigur Ros came out with a new album, their fifth, which was I would say a little more rock than the others, which have an ethereal, ambient sound that lulled me to sleep many nights. They sing in Icelandic- their country of origin- but also in a language called "Hopelandic" that they made up (to date, only one songs on all 5 of their albums is sung in English, although they have a huge fan base in the US and UK). Sigur Ros says that their music is meant to convey the beauty of their homeland; a "sound-scape". And As you can see in the video link to a song off their album "Takk..", the sound does seem to be tied to the earth, perhaps in the rhythm and movement of the earth and the volcanic landscape of their country. It makes me think of what Sean Kane was saying in "Wisdom of the Mythtellers" about how originally, myth served to express the emotions of the earth. To me it seems like with their music, Sigur Ros is expressing the majestic volcanic beauty of the landscape of their home country. In that sense, they are making mythical music.

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